Past Perfect

Past Perfect – Czas zaprzeszły.

Czasu Past Perfect (czas zaprzeszły) używamy, kiedy mówimy o czynności w przeszłości, która poprzedzała inną czynność w przeszłości (drugą czynność wyrażamy w Past Simple).


I wasn’t thirsty because I had already drunk some water. Nie byłam / byłem spragniona/y, ponieważ wypiła/em już wodę. Pierwszą czynnością było wypicie wody, dlatego ta część zdania została powiedziana w czasie Past Perfect.A efektem tej czynności był stan nieodczuwania pragnienia, co należy powiedzieć w Past Simple.

Ćwiczenia – nie używaj form skróconych!

Complete the sentences with Past Perfect or Past Simple.

1. He gave (give) me the book back and said (say) he had liked (like) it but I knew (know) he had not read (not read) it.

2. She shouted (shout) at me because I had broken down (break down) her car.

3. When I got (get) to the party, my brother had already opened (already open) his presents.

4.I did not have to ( not have to) pack because my mother had already done (already do) that for me.

5.After I had played (play) tennis with Mary, I had (have) a shower.

6.The grass was (be) wet because it had rained (rain).

7.She did not check (not check) the windows because her mother had done (do) that before she left (leave) the house.

8.After I had done (do) my homework, I went (go) out for a walk with my dog.

9.When she returned (return) to her flat she saw (see) that the burglar had broken (break)in. 10.She bought (buy) a new mobile phone because she had lost (lose) an old one.

Translate the parts of the sentences in the correct tense.

1. I found (znalazłem) the £10 note in this book yesterday because I had put (włożyłem) it there some time before.

2. My car stopped (zatrzymał się) because I had forgotten (zapomniałem) to buy some petrol.

3. This man came (przyszedł) to the doctor’s with a child who had just swallowed (właśnie połknęło) a pin.

4. I had (miałem) some problems at school because I had not done (nie zrobiłem) my homework the day before.

5. I arrived|came (przybyłem) at 6.30 and I learnt|found out (dowiedziałem się) my train had just left (właśnie odjechał).

6. My mother was (była) angry at me because she had redecorated (wyremontowała) the kitchen the previous week and I destroyed (zniszczyłam) everything .

7. I could not find (nie mogłem znaleźć) my car in front of the shop– maybe someone had stolen (ukradł) it or the police had driven away (odholowała) my car.

8. She was (była) sad because she had lost (zgubiła) her bag.

9. I had not eaten (nie jadłem) since the morning and I was (byłem) hungry.

10. I had broken (złamałam) my leg so I stayed (zostałam) at home.

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