Passive voice – strona bierna.
Passive voice – strona bierna to struktura używana bardzo często w języku angielskim. Konstrukcję stosujemy, kiedy osoba (podmiot) wykonująca daną czynność jest nieznana albo nieistotna.
W stronie czynnej ważny jest wykonawca czynności.
Active voice – strona czynna = podmiot (wykonawca czynności) + orzeczenie (czasownik w odpowiednim czasie gramatycznym) + dopełnienie, czyli przedmiot
W stronie biernej ważna jest sama czynność, a nie jej sprawca. Podmiot nie jest wtedy wykonawcą czynności.
Passive voice – strona bierna = podmiot (przedmiot) + czasownik to be w odpowiedniej formie + czasownik w III formie (czasowniki nieregularne) lub czasownik z końcówką – ed/-d (czasowniki regularne)
Jeżeli chcemy powiedzieć, kto jest wykonawcą czynności używamy by + określenie osoby na końcu zdania, ale stosujemy tą opcję rzadko.
This picture was taken by my sister.
Komentarz: Informujemy przez kogo zdjęcia zostały zrobione stosując by.
Tabela przedstawia najczęściej używane czasy w języku angielskim i zamianę strony czynnej na bierną.
Active | Passive | |
Present Simple | I read books very often. | Books are read very often. |
Past Simple | I read a book yesterday. | A book was read yesterday. |
Present Perfect | I have read a book. | A book has been read. |
Past Perfect | I had read a book. | A book had been read. |
Future Simple | I will read a book. | A book will be read. |
Future Perfect | I will have read a book by the end of this month. | A book will have been read by the end of this month. |
Modal verbs | I should read a book. | A book should be read. |
Present Continuous | I am reading a book. | A book is being read. |
Past Continuous | I was reading a book. | A book was being read. |
Present Perfect Continuous | I have been reading a book. | A book has been being read. |
Future Continuous | I will be reading a book tomorrow at 7 p.m. | A book will be being read tomorrow at 7 p.m. |
Należy pamiętać, że nie wszystkie czasowniki tworzą stronę bierną , np. czasowniki mówiące o ruchu występują tylko w stronie czynnej.
Bardzo ważne jest prawidłowe budowanie zdań przeczących i pytających w stronie biernej.
Tabela przedstawia najczęściej używane czasy w języku angielskim i zamianę strony czynnej na bierną w zdaniach przeczących.
Active | Passive | |
Present Simple | I don’t read books very often. | Books aren’t read very often. |
Past Simple | I didn’t read a book yesterday. | A book wasn’t read yesterday. |
Present Perfect | I haven’t read a book. | A book hasn’t been read. |
Past Perfect | I hadn’t read a book. | A book hadn’t been read. |
Future Simple | I won’t read a book. | A book won’t be read. |
Future Perfect | I won’t have read a book by the end of this month. | A book won’t have been read by the end of this month. |
Modal verbs | I shouldn’t read a book. | A book shouldn’t be read. |
Present Continuous | I am not reading a book. | A book isn’t being read. |
Past Continuous | I wasn’t reading a book. | A book wasn’t being read. |
Present Perfect Continuous | I haven’t been reading a book. | A book hasn’t been being read. |
Future Continuous | I won’t be reading a book tomorrow at 7 p.m. | A book won’t be being read tomorrow at 7 p.m. |
Tabela przedstawia najczęściej używane czasy w języku angielskim i zamianę strony czynnej na bierną w zdaniach pytających.
Active | Passive | |
Present Simple | Do you read books very often? | Are books read very often? |
Past Simple | Did you read a book yesterday? | Was a book read yesterday? |
Present Perfect | Have you read a book? | Has a book been read? |
Past Perfect | Had you read a book? | Had a book been read? |
Future Simple | Will you read a book? | Will a book be read? |
Future Perfect | Will you have read a book by the end of this month. | Will a book have been read by the end of this month. |
Modal verbs | Should you read a book? | Should a book be read? |
Present Continuous | Are you reading a book? | Is a book being read? |
Past Continuous | Were you reading a book? | Was a book being read? |
Present Perfect Continuous | Have you been reading a book? | Has a book been being read? |
Future Continuous | Will you be reading a book tomorrow at 7 p.m.? | Will a book be being read tomorrow at 7 p.m. ? |
Ćwiczenia – nie używaj form skróconych!
Wskazówka: Uzupełnij wszystkie luki, a pojawi się pod ćwiczeniami przycisk .
Change sentence into passive voice.
You should open this box carefully.
This box should be opened() carefully.
She has cut her finger.
Her finger has been cut().
I had not eaten this fish before I bought it last year.
This fish had not been eaten() before it was bought() last year.
Tom uses this room only to study.
This room is used() only to study.
She switched on a light and opened the door.
A light was switched() on and the door was opened() .
Can you write a letter soon?
Can () a letter be written() soon?
The man is pulling down his old house.
His old house is being pulled() down.
What do you sell in this shop?
What is sold() in this shop?
Why did you mend this old radio?
Why was() this old radio mended()?
How many mistakes has she made?
How many mistakes have been made()?
They did not start a new system last year.
A new system was not started() last year.
When will you finish this book?’
When will() this book be finished()?
They asked me about my new invention.
I was asked() about my new invention.
Albert Einstein created this theory.
This theory was created() by Albert Einstein.
How much money have you lost ?
How much money has been lost()?