Angielski rozszerzony gramatyka 2 matura maj 2019 ćwiczenie 8 – Rozumienie wypowiedzi – Struktury gramatyczno-leksykalne – „nowa” matura.
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Over the past few weeks, a pair of love-struck storks have 8.1. been() seen building
a nest on top of a 36ft high chimney at Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens in Norfolk. This is a rare sight in the UK, as storks breed mainly in continental Europe. In fact, these spectacular birds last nested in the UK in 1416 on St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh 8.2. since() then they have not bred naturally here.
Delighted wildlife lovers in England are keeping their 8.3. fingers() crossed, hoping the storks will soon enjoy a happy event. The birds will be closely watched for feeding activities or any other sign that the young have arrived. It will be a day for great celebration if these storks manage to breed successfully in the traditional way because earlier attempts to encourage stork breeding 8.4. turned() timid or fearful.
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