Angielski czytanie ćwiczenie 2 matura maj 2018 –
drugie ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 2 „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 5. – czytanie ćwiczenie 2
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane z zegarami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
If you look at any advert for a watch, you’ll notice that it’s probably set to 10:10. There’s a good reason for this. Watch hands positioned at this time nicely frame the brand and logo. Since most brand logos are at the top of the watch face, setting the time to 12:05 or 1:20 would cover them up. Of course, you could turn the hands to 4:40 and get them completely out of the way of the logo, but somehow that looks sad and does not appeal to buyers.
adapted from
5.1. From the text, we learn why
(!adverts for watches are usually shown at a certain time of day.) (watches usually show the same time in adverts) (!the brand name is at the top of the watch face.)
Tekst 2.
The story begins with a blind clockmaker who loses his son in World War I and creates a station clock that goes backwards. With the image of the clock in the background, a baby is born. Strangely, the boy looks like an 80-year-old man and he gets younger with the passage of time. His story is beautifully told and is also visually moving. The technical tricks used to make the main character look old at the beginning are certainly impressive. The script was adapted from a book by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who was in turn inspired by a quote from Mark Twain: “Life would be happier if we could be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.”
adapted from
5.2. The author of the text
(!advertises a documentary about an old clock.) (!summarizes the plot of a book written by Twain.) (reviews a film based on a book.)
Tekst 3.
Grandfather opened the watchcase and Peter read the inscription – the name they shared. He
took Peter’s hand and folded the boy’s thin fingers over the treasure.
“My watch and my name belong to you now,” Grandfather said. “I will never ask you how you
have treated these gifts. You must ask yourself: What have I done with my name? What have
I done with my time? This is what really matters. Remember that.”
Peter took the gold watch. Grandfather had always been very proud of it. Peter knew it was
hard for him to give it away. “Thank you, Grandfather,” he said. “I will always remember your
adapted from Grandfather’s Gold Watch by Louise Garff Hubbard
5.3. By giving Peter the gold watch, the grandfather wanted to
(remind Peter about the important things in life.) (!make Peter spend more time with him.) (!celebrate Peter’s birthday.)