Angielski czytanie ćwiczenie 1 matura maj 2018 – pierwsze ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 1 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 4. – czytanie ćwiczenie 1.
Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej części tekstu (4.1.–4.4.).
Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.
Wskazówka: Wpisz w odpowiednią literę w odpowiednim polu. Po wpisaniu wszystkich odpowiedzi naciśnij przycisk , który pojawi się później.
A. A number of rules to follow
B. A change that stopped annoying behaviour
C. A famous person dressed as a Beadle
D. An exception to the rule
E. A successful robbery
F. A thief caught by a celebrity
Advertisers use a lot o f tricks to make us buy what they have on offer. Here are a few examples.
4.1.B|b() Lord Cavendish, a British aristocrat and politician, had a huge house in Piccadilly. He often got irritated because Londoners walking down the street threw oyster shells and other rubbish over the wall of his garden. To put an end to it, he hired an architect who turned part of the garden into a covered shopping arcade. It opened in 1819.
4.2. A|a() The Burlington Arcade has the smallest police force in the world called the Beadles. They wear Victorian coats and top hats. They make sure there is no stealing, whistling or running inside.
Visitors are also not allowed to carry large parcels, play musical instruments or open umbrellas in the Arcade.4.3. E|e() As the place offers exclusive articles for sale, it sometimes becomes a target for criminals. In 1964, a Jaguar drove at great speed down the Arcade. Six masked men jumped out, smashed the windows of one of the shops and stole jewellery worth £35,000 at the time. The Beadles didn’t manage to stop them.
4.4. D|d() The Arcade is often visited by the rich and famous. One day a shopper was admiring something in a shop window, and he started whistling. A Beadle politely asked him to stop. The shopper turned round, ready to apologise. It was Sir Paul McCartney. “I didn’t realise it was you,” said the Beadle. “You can whistle here any time you like”.
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