Angielski czytanie 2 matura próbna grudzień 2014 –
drugie ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego.
Zadanie 5. – czytanie ćwiczenie 1
Przeczytaj trzy teksty związane ze sztuką. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.
Tekst 1.
adapted from 44 Scotland Street by Alexander McCall SmithMEETING IN A GALLERY
“Now then,” Matthew said, “our business is to sell paintings. I haven’t been in this business for very long, so I need somebody to help. You just sit here when I go out. If somebody comes in and wants to buy a painting, the prices, including special offers, are all listed in here. Don’t let a painting out of the gallery until the client has paid. If they want to pay by cheque, tell them that they can collect the painting when we get the payment.” “Anything else?” Pat asked. He looked around, as if searching for ideas, and said, “You could catalogue the paintings properly.”
5.1. Matthew informs Pat about
(her duties at the gallery) (!a new promotion offered to clients.) (!the gallery’s most valuable paintings.)
Tekst 2.
www.articlesbase.comAN AMAZING FIND
A stolen painting has been found under a deckchair on a beach in southern France. The painting was discovered by a beach cleaner who worked for the local council. A spokesperson for the police said: “We think that the thief stopped off to rest in the sun. He probably placed the picture under the deckchair and forgot about it.” The painting entitled A Sunlit Room shows an empty room with a pair of chairs in the sunshine. In 2008 the painting was bought by a private collector from Switzerland but it went missing together with a few other works of art during a burglary in late autumn last year.
5.2. The stolen painting
(!was found by a holidaymaker.) (!shows a sunny beach in summer.) (belonged to a collector from abroad.)
Tekst 3.
Download the application form here. www.nga.govJOIN US!
Each June, we select a group of high school students who spend two weeks exploring the National Gallery of Art. Our Summer Institute introduces them to a variety of careers in art through behind-the-scenes tours, and includes work on a student exhibition that will be open to the public. Candidates should have a real interest in art and a desire to work together with other teens from schools across the metropolitan Washington region. The next Summer Institute will take place in June.
5.3. The offer is addressed to
(!art students looking for a job.) (teenagers passionate about art.) (!tourists who want a guided tour.)