Angielski rozszerzony gramatyka 1 matura próbna grudzień 2014 – Rozumienie wypowiedzi.
Zadanie 7 – struktury gramatyczno-leksykalne – rozumienie wypowiedzi.
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A team of Australian researchers 7.1. B|b() the way names can influence a person’s
impressions and decision making. The researchers looked at dozens of surnames from different nationalities, mainly from Anglo-Saxon, Asian, and European backgrounds. They concluded that 7.2. D|d() a person’s name was to say, the quicker they were promoted.Dr Laham, who led the study, said people with simple names were generally judged more positively. “The effect is not so much 7.3. A|a() the length of a name or how foreign-sounding or unusual it is, but rather how easy it is to pronounce,” he said.
Names such as Sherman, Jenkins, Benson and O’Sullivan 7.4. C|c() among the easiest to pronounce, while Farquharson and European names such as Leszczynska were found to be a huge challenge. The researchers concluded that a name that your friends and peers did not stumble over was the key to success.
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7.1. A. interrogated B. investigated C. interviewed D. involved |
7.2. A. how easy B. as easy as C. easier than D. the easier |
7.3. A. due to B. the reason for C. resulting from D. because |
7.4. |