Angielski rozszerzony czytanie 2 matura maj 2019 ćwiczenie 5 – drugie ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 2 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 5. – czytanie ćwiczenie 2.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery fragmenty. Wpisz w każdą lukę (5.1.–5.4.) literę, którą oznaczono brakujący fragment (A–E), tak aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Wskazówka: Wpisz odpowiednią literę w odpowiednim polu. Po wpisaniu wszystkich odpowiedzi naciśnij przycisk , który pojawi się później.
Hugh Lane, a successful Irish art dealer, decided that after his death his collection of paintings would belong to Ireland. After some time, he changed his mind and left everything to London’s prestigious Tate Gallery instead. However, shortly before he died in 1915, he made yet another will which indicated that a gallery in Dublin should own his collection. As nobody had witnessed the signing of the last will, the English court refused to recognize it as a legal document, and the paintings remained in England. 5.1. E|e() Yet, it was all in vain. In 1956, two Irish citizens decided to do something about it. On April 12th, they stole an Impressionist painting, Summer’s Day, from the Hugh Lane collection in the Tate Gallery. 5.2. C|c() The former was a frequent visitor to the gallery, so he was a familiar figure. While he pretended to be making a copy of the painting on a sketchpad, his accomplice lifted it off the wall and put it inside a large portfolio they had brought with them. Next, they left the gallery using the front door. The whole point of the robbery was to get publicity for the cause. They even arranged for a press photographer to be on the spot and take a photo of them leaving the gallery. As a result of their ingenious scheme, the photo and the news of the robbery made the headlines the following day. 5.3. A|a() The entire plan proved effective. Three years later, an agreement was reached between Ireland and the UK that the collection would be shared between the two countries, and in 1999, over 30 paintings returned to Dublin for good. The theft of the painting from the Tate Gallery was worrying for art lovers because it showed that there was a complete lack of security in a place where many masterpieces were kept. 5.4. B|b() Fortunately, this did not happen.
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A. To make the authorities start negotiations, after a few days Summer’s Day was anonymously delivered to the Irish embassy.
B. The British were also concerned that the publicity given to the case would lead to the students being perceived as heroes fighting for the Irish cause, which could strain British–Irish relations.
C. The ease with which the culprits committed this deed is still shocking. The thieves were Paul Hogan, who was studying at the Dublin College of Art, and Bill Fogarty, a veterinary student.
D. It proves that the caretaker on duty could have prevented the robbery, but he was outsmarted.
E. In the following decades, the Irish arts community and government made numerous attempts to claim the canvases back.