Angielski rozszerzony czytanie 2 matura czerwiec 2020 ćwiczenie 5 – drugie ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 2 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 5. – czytanie ćwiczenie 2.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Wpisz w każdą lukę (5.1.-5.4.) literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie (A-E), tak aby trzymać spójny i logiczny tekst.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
Wskazówka: Wpisz odpowiednią literę w odpowiednim polu. Po wpisaniu wszystkich odpowiedzi naciśnij przycisk , który pojawi się później.
Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788), commonly known as the Young Pretender, or Bonnie Prince Charlie, is an important figure in Scotland’s history. He believed the British crown was his birthright and together with his Jacobite followers planned to remove the Hanoverian usurper George II from the throne. His bold attempt to achieve this, initiated in 1745, ended with the total defeat of his army at the Battle of Culloden. 5.1. C|c() Bonnie Prince Charlie was one of them.
Historians from the 1745 Association have long sought to establish the whereabouts of the hideout where Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed with Cluny MacPherson, one of his closest allies, in early September 1746. Maps of the area have long marked “Prince Charlie’s Cave”,
also called “Cluny’s Cage”, on the southern slopes of Ben Alder. 5.2. E|e() They claim that slightly to the west of the traditional spot they have found a location which more closely matches MacPherson’s description of the prince’s shelter.The vice-president of the 1745 Association commented on the discovery saying that it cannot be claimed with any certainty that it is the real site of “Cluny’s Cage”, but it is a reasonable
candidate. 5.3. A|a() And the two large rocks found there must indeed have formed a perfect
fireplace from which there was a natural chimney. Besides, smaller stones at the site appear to be blackened on the underside, suggesting a fire may have been lit there. The new location fits MacPherson’s description almost entirely.5.4. D|d() Yet, it follows from various accounts that there were some in this area during the mid-18th century. The Association will now consider what further research or archaeological work may be possible and affordable in order to establish this claim beyond doubt.adapted from adapted from
A. The spot is said to have been chosen by the fugitives because smoke from cooking could disappear up the cliff face without being noticed.
B. His accomplice, Cluny MacPherson, made an attempt to overthrow the king, but failed and had to flee and hide.
C. The Jacobites who survived the bloodshed had to run for their lives, and often spent months in hiding.
D. The only thing that is not in keeping with it is the fact that there are no trees at the site of the supposed hideout.
E. However, some members of the organisation have doubts whether it is the true site of the hideout.