Angielski gramatyka 3 matura próbna grudzień 2014
Zadanie 9. – trzecie ćwiczenie gramatyczno-leksykalne.
W zadaniach 9.1.–9.5. wybierz odpowiedź, która poprawnie uzupełnia lukę
w minidialogu. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C.
X: Excuse me. Can I __________? It’s really important.
Y: Of course. But you need to go outside. You’re not allowed to talk on the phone in here.
X: Have you heard that Brian returned from his trip to Asia yesterday?
Y: Really? __________ .
X: Sorry, I can’t. I’m working until late evening. Another time perhaps.
X: Mark, how long are you here for?
Y: __________
X: It’s really hot in here. Is there air-conditioning in this room?
Y: Yes. I’ve forgotten to __________ .
X: What’s going on? You ___________ to play football here! It’s a private area.
Y: Oh, we didn’t know. Sorry!
X: Excuse me. Can I __________? It’s really important.
Y: Of course. But you need to go outside. You’re not allowed to talk on the phone in here.
(!give a sign) (!have a go) (make a call)
X: Have you heard that Brian returned from his trip to Asia yesterday?
Y: Really? __________ .
X: Sorry, I can’t. I’m working until late evening. Another time perhaps.
(!I think he should come here.) (Why don’t we visit him tomorrow?) (!Can you stay there with him?)
X: Mark, how long are you here for?
Y: __________
(I want to stay till Monday.) (!I’ve been here before.) (!I arrived yesterday.)
X: It’s really hot in here. Is there air-conditioning in this room?
Y: Yes. I’ve forgotten to __________ .
(!set it out) (!put it up) (switch it on)
X: What’s going on? You ___________ to play football here! It’s a private area.
Y: Oh, we didn’t know. Sorry!
(!do not need) (are not allowed) (!have not been able)