Angielski gramatyka ćwiczenie 3 matura czerwiec 2020 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 9. – trzecie ćwiczenie gramatyczno-leksykalne.
W zadaniach 9.1.-9.5. spośród podanych odpowiedzi (A-C) wybierz tę, która najlepiej oddaje sens wyróżnionego zdania lub jego fragmentu. Zakreśl jedną z liter: A, B albo C.
9.1. I don’t find this book very interesting.
(!I lost an interesting book.) (This book doesn’t interest me much.) (!I can’t find a book which interests me.)
9.2. You are not allowed to swim without a cap.
(!Swimmers don’t have to wear a cap.) (!I do not go swimming without a cap.) (Swimming without a cap is forbidden.)
9.3. It took Vicky thirty minutes to buy a dress for the party.
(Vicky spent thirty minutes buying) (!In thirty minutes Vicky is going to buy) (!Vicky wanted to spend thirty minutes on buying)
9.4. The printer I bought here doesn’t work so I want a full refund.
(!I want to ask for a discount) (!I want to return the money) (I want to get my money back)
9.5. We will have a barbecue next Saturday on condition that the weather gets better.
(!unless the weather is better) (if the weather improves) (!even if the weather is bad)