Język angielski.
Angielski rozszerzony słuchanie 3 matura maj 2018 – listening 3 matura z języka angielskiego w nowej formule.
Wskazówka: Podczas matury każde nagranie odtwarzane jest dwukrotnie.
Zadanie 3 – słuchanie.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad na temat High Line, jednego z parków w Nowym Jorku. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Angielski słuchanie 3 matura maj 2018 – matura z języka angielskiego poziom rozszerzony.
3.1. The High Line is different from the other parks in New Y ork because
(it runs above street level.) (!it has a great variety of rare bushes.) (!Sit was constructed along a straight horizontal line.) (!it was built along a railroad track that had been demolished.)
3.2. The High Line was created thanks to
(! people protesting against closing a railway station) (!a campaign launched by the railroad track owners.) (!a charity event organized by celebrities. )(the determination of the local residents.)
3.3. The main objective for the architects was to
(!provide the area with appropriate soil.)(!select plants that create a mysterious atmosphere.)(design a safe space for visitors.)(ensure a sufficient amount of light for the plants.)
3.4. The High Line can be considered environmentally friendly because
(!no paving has been laid out) (rainwater is used in an efficient way.) (!a significant carbon reduction has been noted there)(! around 85% of construction materials have been recycled.)
3.5. In the interview, James talks about
(!various architectural trends in designing parks.) (!the future of post-industrial sites turned into parks.) (!the means to encourage architects to create original parks.)(the origins of the park and the challenges in making it a reality.)