Angielski rozszerzony czytanie 1 matura maj 2016 ćwiczenie 4 – pierwsze ćwiczenie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 1 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 4. – czytanie ćwiczenie 1.
Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C) oraz pytania go dotyczące (4.1.–4.4.). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.
Wskazówka: Wpisz w odpowiednią literę w odpowiednim polu. Po wpisaniu wszystkich odpowiedzi naciśnij przycisk , który pojawi się później.
In which paragraph does the author
4.1 point to the measures taken to keep the surroundings unspoilt? C|c()
4.2 refer to the effort put into constructing the underwater room? B|b()
4.3 mention some benefits of observing marine life? A|a()
4.4 predict the gradual transformation of the structure? C|c()
For those who haven’t heard, there is such a thing as aquarium therapy. Research findings suggest that watching fish may reduce muscle tension, pulse rate and other symptoms of stress. So you can imagine that guests who stay at the Manta Resort feel like a million dollars after soaking up the panoramic views of exotic sea life. This is made possible by the resort’s newly built underwater room costing $1,500 per night. Visitors can sunbathe on the upper-level sky deck, relax in the lounge at the water level or go down to the submerged chamber to fall asleep surrounded by the nightlight glow of jellyfish and other extraordinary creatures that swim by.
The hotel complex is situated on Pemba Island’s westerly coastline, facing toward the serene stretch of ocean that separates the island from the mainland. Anchored to the sea floor about 820 feet offshore, where a large number of densely inhabited coral reefs surround the floating structure, the resort’s underwater room is as secluded as a vacation getaway can possibly be. The task of putting up the structure turned out to be physically and logistically demanding. The workers had to ship in all the various materials from Sweden, assemble the parts on the island and then tow the room to the site.
The constructors’ aim was to build the hotel room in such a way that the endeavour would not have any negative impact on the ecosystem. Hence, solar panels supplying 100 per cent of the power needed were installed atop the roof deck of the room. In addition, the only people allowed inside are guests and assigned resort employees. It may seem unbelievable, but the hotel room will eventually turn into a coral reef itself. This makes it one of the few development projects beneficial to the marine environment.
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