Angielski rozszerzony czytanie 3 matura maj 2017 ćwiczenie 6 – trzecie zadanie na rozumienie tekstu czytanego. Reading 3 – „nowa” matura.
Zadanie 6 – czytanie ćwiczenie 3.
Przeczytaj dwa teksty związane z diamentami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.
Tekst 1.
Mr F. led me across the long stretch of jungle and deserted hilly terrain. The earth trembled every few minutes, with me on its surface. “You can see now why Krakatoa was always considered unfit to live on. That’s the peculiar thing about nature,” explained Mr F. “It guards its rarest treasures with the greatest care. This noisy and fearful volcano has a mine at its feet. I am now leading you there.” With considerable difficulty we reached the foot of the volcano. We were suddenly standing on a piece of ground which didn’t move. At last! Feeling dizzy and weary, I was grateful to Mr F. for bringing me to a bench on this motionless piece of earth. I sat down and took a deep breath. The tension disappeared. Mr F. sat beside me for a while and then suggested that we get going. It took us about ten minutes to get to an entrance in the wall of the mountain, the entrance covered up by an old wooden door from a ship. Mr F. took out two pairs of glasses with dark lenses. “You’ll need these,” he explained, “and whatever you do, do not remove them while in the mines.”
As soon as I entered the mine, I understood why the ground above it was such a peaceful retreat in this rumbling landscape. The walls, the floor, the ceiling were hewn out of the hardest of all minerals: pure, dazzling diamond. I walked up to my ankles in diamond pebbles. The floor was covered with diamonds as big as cobblestones, diamonds in their cleanest state, ready to be cut. If the famous Jonkers’ diamond, one of the largest ever found, had been tossed on the brilliant floor of the Krakatoa mine, it would have been as impossible to find as a grain of salt in a bag of sugar.
I was naturally astounded. I had seen pictures of the famous salt mines of Poland and the crystal
caves of Bermuda. Here was a sight a thousand times more blinding, more awe-inspiring; a sight to make reality of the most imaginative fairy tale.I greedily picked up some of the jewels letting the smaller ones slip through my fingers. I couldn’t resist taking the biggest diamond in my hands. It was the size of a baseball. I suddenly felt like a small child let loose in a candy shop. I put the diamond away reluctantly.
“May I have a handful of these?” I asked pointing to the diamond pebbles at my feet. My voice was trembling.
“Sure,” he said, “fill your pockets with them if you wish.”
adapted from The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pène du Bois
6.1. In the first paragraph, we learn that the narrator
(!a clock striking the hour could be heard.) (felt relieved after an exhausting trek in an unstable area.) (!got sick because the bench he sat on was moving.) (!took a rest by the door leading to the mine.)
6.2. Looking at the diamonds in the mine, the narrator
(!imagined himself putting the biggest diamond in his pocket.) (!remembered equally impressive mines he had been to.) (felt overwhelmed by their quality and quantity.)(!hesitated whether or not he could touch them.)
Tekst 2.
Everybody knows the slogan “A Diamond Is Forever”, but have you ever wondered about its origin? Here is the story.
Until the late nineteenth century, diamonds were found only in India and Brazil, and the entire world production of gem diamonds amounted to a few pounds a year. In 1870, however, huge diamond deposits were discovered in South Africa, where diamonds were soon being scooped out by the ton. The British financiers who had founded the South African mines quickly realized that their investment was endangered. They knew that diamond prices depended almost entirely on their scarcity so they feared that diamonds might become at best only semiprecious gems.
They needed something which would boost the demand for the stone. Help came in 1938 from a leading diamond merchandiser who launched well-orchestrated advertising and public-relations campaigns which aimed at creating emotional and romantic feelings towards diamonds. The skilful marketing enhanced the notion that diamonds were a gift of love: the larger and finer the diamond, the greater the love expressed. In three years diamond sales were up by 50%, but the merchandiser still needed a slogan that would express both the theme of romance and legitimacy. In 1947 the now classic slogan “A Diamond Is Forever” was coined. This immediately spurred even more sales. The implied durability of a diamond conveyed the meaning that marriage is forever.
The expression “a diamond is forever” is, however, more than just a catchy marketing slogan. Diamonds undoubtedly are the hardest of all gemstones. They have incredibly strong atom bonds because they are made up of carbon. Being the smallest of the atoms that can be bonded, carbon atoms fit together more tightly than atoms of any other element. Once these atoms have been compressed at high enough temperatures to form a diamond, they are literally bound forever, like marriage should be.
adapted from
6.3. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
(The promotional campaign managed to boost diamond sales effectively.)(!The idea that diamonds are tokens of affection originated in the 19th century.)(!British financiers took over the South African mines to limit the diamond supply.)(!The discovery of diamond deposits in South Africa resulted in diamonds being
downgraded to semiprecious stones.)
6.4. The writer’s intention in the last paragraph is
(!to outline scientific studies concerning the diamond market.) (to prove that there is a scientific explanation behind a popular phrase.) (!to point to the difference between the hardness of carbon and a diamond.) (!to question the similarity between diamond structure and bonds in marriage.)
6.5. Both texts
(!explain why diamonds are so expensive.) (!describe the diamond mines the authors have visited.) (!trace the history of diamond mining.)(refer to human fascination with diamonds.)