Język angielski - Matura 2009 - Czytanie

Zadanie 4. Przeczytaj tekst.

Przeczytaj poniższe informacje o księgarniach w Londynie. Do każdego z podanych zdań (4.1. – 4.8.) przyporządkuj właściwą ofertę (A – E). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą rubrykę tabeli. Każda z liter może być użyta więcej niż jeden raz. Używaj dużych liter.

A. BORDERS With a combination of music events and in-store author book signing, this popular US bookshop has now successfully crossed the Atlantic to the UK. Look at the latest books and listen to gentle background music. Open seven days a week.

B. SOTHERAN’S Originally founded in York in 1761, Sotheran’s has been selling in London since 1815, making it the oldest bookshop in Britain. Comfortable chairs in a separate section create a pleasant atmosphere in which you can look through a book before you buy it.

C. SKOOP’S Specialising mainly in second-hand academic books, Skoop’s has a big selection of books for foreign language learners at different levels. For teachers there is a special room with a collection of textbooks at lower prices.

D. HATCHARDS Although not at all the largest bookshop in London, it is certainly the first one opened to the public, in 1797. There is a wide selection of books devoted to jazz, blues or rock bands at reasonable prices.

E. WATERSTONE’S Housed in what used to be the home of Simpson’s department store, it has about six floors of books. It is not only London’s biggest bookshop, but the biggest in Europe too. Open every day except Sunday, it continues to attract collectors of the best writers’ books.

4.1. There is a reading room there.


4.2. You can buy used books there.


4.3. It is the capital’s largest bookshop.


4.4. You can find a large choice of books about music there.


4.5. You can shop there every day.


4.6. Writers give their autographs there.


4.7. Some customers pay less for the books there.


4.8. It is situated on different levels.
